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The Art of Eating Mindfully

Writer's picture: MilouMilou

In this fast-paced era, one of the biggest challenges we face is allowing ourselves to sit in quiet and fully engage in the simple act of eating. Often, our busy lives lead to eat on the go, multitasking, rushing through meals, being distracted by external stimuli and neglecting the importance of mindful nourishment. Whether we´re eating on the go, too fast or being on the phone, discussing the latest news or tasks, sometimes we don´t even remember the act of eating in between everything that took place around it. Or maybe this scenario sounds familiar to you; you´ve just cooked dinner, got take away or ordered in. Forks out, knives out, bums down and what do we pick up first? - The fork or the remote or phone? In sync with that hectic chewing of our jaws our thumbs scroll through the latest news, feeds, non-sense or messages. Wait – where has my meal gone?

When was the last time you´ve sat down in quiet, with no other stimuli, none of that noise that may surround us every day. No one speaking to us, feeding us information that distracts us from the one thing that we are supposed to give all our attention to. The food that provides us with energy, that gives us pleasure and that keeps us functioning. If we don´t put our focus in what´s being put in our mouths, our bodies and our cells, then how will we notice the junk that tries to make it´s way into our diets here and there.

Eating is an art, in fact food is art. I mentioned it´s three functions, providing energy, pleasure and nutrients, but have you ever made yourself aware of them? I ask you – what is food to you? Is it a lust? A must?

It's time to rediscover the art of mindful eating, where every meal becomes a moment of connection, joy, nourishment, and self-care. The following are essential points to consider when practicing mindful eating:

- Awareness: In order to trust yourself with your food decisions that you make every day, you must become aware of them. Approach each meal as an opportunity for self-discovery and nourishment. Take a moment to sit down, observe your food, and appreciate its origin and journey to your plate. Consider the ingredients, their nutritional value, and the impact they have on your well-being. As you eat, engage your senses and allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience of nourishing your body and soul.

Free yourself from what is around you and tune into what´s within. Release the notion of eating based on portions and instead tune into your body's signals of hunger and satiety. Take a break every now and then, notice how your belly is filling up, listen to your intuition and eat until you feel satisfied, not until your plate is empty. Leave it for the next day or ask for a takeaway box when eating out. This approach allows you to establish a loving relationship with food and to honor your body's needs without overindulging. Over time, you'll develop a natural sense of portion control, according to your own hunger cues.

- Knowledge: Being knowledgeable about food starts with educating yourself. Knowing how certain foods affect your biology and how they enhance your physiology. Expanding your understanding of different food groups, macronutrients, and micronutrients. By learning about the role of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals in our bodies, you can make informed decisions about incorporating them into your diet. This also involves reading and interpreting food labels, paying attention to ingredient lists, nutritional facts, and serving sizes, so you can better understand the nutritional value or hazards of the foods you consume.

- Mindfulness: Eat with all your layers and engage all your senses. Emerge in the process with your mind and that knowledge, your physical body, your spirit and your emotions. Mindful eating involves bringing your full attention to the act of eating, savoring each bite, and truly experiencing the flavors, textures, and nourishment that food provides. It means slowing down and taking the time to truly experience your food. Eat intentionally and chew like you mean it! Like you´ve got all the time in the world. Put your fork down, there is no reason to hover the next bite in front of you, while you are still busy with the previous. Mindful chewing promotes better digestion, enhances the absorption of nutrients, and helps you recognize your body's signals of hunger and satiety. By focusing on each bite, you become more attuned to your body's needs and can make conscious choices about portion sizes.

- Presence: By disconnecting from external distractions and focusing solely on the food in front of you, you can develop a deeper connection with your meal. Let go of the need for constant stimulation and allow yourself to truly taste, smell, and experience the flavors and textures.

Allow thoughts, notice them but don´t get carried away. Stay here in this very moment with the substances that give you life and vitality (if you allow them to).

Is the phone beeping? - Ignore it. During mealtime, silence the distractions and demands of the outside world. Your phone can wait for a few minutes. Give yourself permission to fully immerse in the experience of eating, without the constant interruption of notifications. By prioritizing this time for yourself and your well-being, you create a sacred space for nourishment and self-care.

Now, I want you to experience what you´ve just read, so allow me to give you this task:

Approach your next meal as an experience, a food meditation. Create a mealtime ritual, create a sacred space for nourishment and self-care. Inform yourself of what is on your plate and how it affects you. Take the time to sit down, silence your phone, turn off the TV and fully commit to the act of eating. Observe your food and appreciate its origin and journey to your plate. Allow yourself to savor the flavors, textures, and nourishment without the distractions of external demands. Engage your mind and knowledge about the macro- and micronutrients present, how they impact your body, and enhance your overall well-being. Slow down, savor each bite, and chew deliberately, giving your body the time it needs to fully process and absorb the nutrients.

Then ask yourself how this experience felt different from your usual eating experiences, how the perception of what you ate might have been affected by it and what feelings you identified once you were done eating.

The art of eating mindfully invites you to slow down, reconnect with your body, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the nourishment that food provides. By embracing this practice, you honor yourself, improve your relationship with food, and create moments of self-care in your daily life. Remember, each meal is an opportunity for mindfulness and nourishment and you have so much more of a meal when you take your time to truly savor it.

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Yvonne Weissberg
Yvonne Weissberg
Aug 11, 2023

Hey Milou

Thank you so much for the brilliant article. Even if I thought about all these things one time or another it is so helpful to read your thoughts and feelings in that compact way. So I was allowed to go through your text with a quiet mood, high attention and motivated to do so not only sometimes but regulary. Me - and I think most of us - need to be aware of what we eat and how we eat every day and find a good rhythme for that. Thanks for your help and for putting these things into mind.

Aug 11, 2023
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Thank you for your feedback :D! Hopefully this can be a compact guide for future food experiences!


Aug 11, 2023

Beautiful article Milou :) During a mindfulness course at work we got the "challenge" to go have lunch together, take 3 deep breaths before starting to eat and appreciating how this meal got on our plates. After that we've been asked to eat together but eat in silence.

I realised, that it is actually a challenge to not jump right into eating, chatting and getting distracted from what actually matters in that moment. This showed me how important it is to practise mindfulness eating. Thanks for pointing it out once more <3

Aug 11, 2023
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Thanks for sharing! :) it goes by unnoticed how distracted we can be while eating, i hope you´re taking some inspiration to your next meal!

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