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Join date: Dec 22, 2022


Hi, I am Milou, your M.POWEREDHEALTH Coach and I warmly welcome you to my site.

To give you a brief overview of who i am; i was born in Germany and spent most my childhood in Switzerland. Soon after i finished school, i moved to Cape Town, South Africa, where i started my own intense health transformation. I first studied Personal Training and started teaching fitness classes next to my office job. Soon after, i moved on to studying Nutrition, which sparked my interest for being a Health Coach. As i finished my Nutrition Certification, i went on and studied Holistic Health and Health & Wellness Coaching, which led to me founding M.POWEREDHEALTH. The intention behind it is to inspire others to experience a similar transformation that i got to experience, by passing on my knowledge, inspiring and working towards their own specific health goals. So now, i travel around the world and teach fitness classes and Yoga between Europe, Bali and Cape Town, while coaching clients online to live in balance, confidence and vitality.

If you would like to read more about my own journey, i invite you to read my diary blog article:


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Owner and Founder of M.POWEREDHEALTH

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